culture is your competitive advantage
Reside Strategies has supported small to large organizations define, expand, and strengthen culture through inception, rapid growth, M&A, and other corporate transformations.
We can provide:
Purpose, Mission, Vision, and Values development
Employer Brand Identity creation or expansion
Support across Employee Value Proposition (EVP) definition, differentiation, and promotion
Employee engagement strategies and tactics
Leadership training, presentations, and support to strengthen culture
Focus groups, surveys, and staff satisfaction measurements
success requires strong culture
Your brand cannot truly succeed without a strong, defined corporate culture. It influences your reputation. It impacts employee engagement, retention, and recruiting. It dictates how your team makes decisions and interacts with one another, customers, partners, and other stakeholders. And as Simon Sinek states:
"Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.”
imagine your company is a person...
Are they passionate and inspired or resentful and detached? Are they honest and open or do they rarely share information? Do they have purpose and a vision for the future, or are they directionless? Do others want to work with them or avoid them?
Your culture is made up of shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape the identity and atmosphere of your company. It starts with your founders and leaders but touches every employee in your organization. Your customers feel it, investors can see it, and media/the general public absolutely react to it – positively or negatively.
Although culture was previously considered as ‘soft’, data now shows it is a critical driver of organizational success. A strong culture yields tangible results, including greater team productivity, service levels, innovation, and retention.
it starts with you
Ask yourself: are you intentional with your culture? Do you have clearly understood corporate mission and vision statements? Is your team united and passionate about what you do? Do they believe you improve your customers’ lives or better the world? Can they see an exciting future ahead?
Great culture cannot exist without active leadership, communication, and engagement. Although all team members contribute to culture, top-down investment is required.
Corporate statements align and focus your team. Robust compensation, benefits, and wellness programs are key, but connection, engagement, and actively rewarding ideas and contributions is how loyalty grows. Townhalls, social events, celebrations, access to managers, feedback, training, growth opportunities – all this builds belonging, devotion, and creates Great companies.
let us help
Increase your team performance, loyalty, and bottom line via intentional cultural leadership.
CONTACT US to discuss your needs and let us help you define, strengthen, and optimize your culture.